The AmoyDx® Myeloid Blood Cancer Panel enables a comprehensive molecular genetic analysis for the qualitative detection of SNVs, InDels and fusions in 55 genes associated with myeloid leukemia on DNA and RNA.
The AmoyDx® Myeloid Blood Cancer Panel is a Next-Generation Sequencing-based assay for the detection of mutations (SNVs), insertions and deletions (InDels) as well as fusions in 55 genes on DNA and RNA from bone marrow aspirates. In total, 252 different gene fusions can be detected using this assay.
The focus of this assay is on the tumor entities AML and CML, but may be further suited to characterize other hematologic malignancies. The analysis of the sequence data can be performed locally using the AmoyDx® NGS Data Analysis System (ANDAS).
Please find a detailed description of the AmoyDx® Myeloid Blood Cancer Panel here
This product is for research use only (RUO)
Recently, a second ZytoDot ® 2C probe for detecting rearrangements of the NTRK genes has become available: the new ZytoDot ® 2C SPEC NTRK3 Break Apart Probe (C-3079-100). Together with the already existing ZytoDot ® 2C SPEC NTRK1 Break Apart Probe (C-3078-100), a large range of NTRK rearrangements can be covered now. Both probes are designed for the qualitative detection of NTRK3 and NTRK1 rearrangements in FFPE tissue using the ZytoDot ® 2C CISH implementation Kit.
In May 2024 the S3 guideline "Prostate Cancer" (version 7.0) was updated. For the first time it is recommended to sequence genes involved in homologous recombination repair (HRR), e. g. ATM, BRCA1/2, BRIP1, CDK12, CHEK2, FANCA, HDAC2 and PALB2, before initiating a systemic therapy for castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC).